Occasional Child Care
Our Childcare Team has an impeccable reputation for a high quality program provided in a safe and caring atmosphere. The Yellow Room at Arrabri is a lovely room that is well fitted out with furniture and toys. We believe that a quality service should be accessible, affordable and flexible to all families meeting the changing needs of our community.
Occasional Child Care is for children aged from three months to pre-school age. If you need care for your children whilst you go shopping, getting your haircut, attending an interview, a class or an appointment or just need some time out for yourself, Occasional Child Care can be a great help.
If you would like to complete an enrolment form, please print the form from the section below under FORMS, Occasional Care Enrolment Form or you can come into Arrabri to collect a hardcopy.
Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 1.00pm.
Bookings are essential. Please phone 9720 0877.

The Club Playgroup
A Facilitated Playgroup at Arrabri Community House
A social group offered to parents and carers with their children (aged 0-6). Carers stay, joining in group activities with their children and our facilitator Pat.
The aim of the group is for you and your children to form friendships in a safe, casual atmosphere. No booking required - just turn up and enjoy the fun!
Tuesdays, 9.30 am - 11.30am.
Only $8.00 per session per family.
Occasional Child Care Suggestions Welcomed
We would love to hear from you. What would you like to see happening in Child Care at Arrabri? Are there any activities or events that you would like to suggest? If so, let us know! Arrabri strives to do its best for your child, so your feedback is important to us!